Tuesday 22 February 2011

Up in the sky

We have been thinking about the sun, moon and stars. We know why it is dark in the night and light in the day. We know why we can't see the stars in the day. We have been painting, drawing and creating lots of different pictures and models of the suin, moon and stars.

'Happy St.David's Day'

We worked together in a team to create a big dragon. We talked about what shapes to use, what colour to use and who was going to do each part. We worked very well as a team, listening to eachother and helping eachother.

We have talked about animals with big or small wings and made dragons, birds and butterflies.

'Dydd Dewi Sant'

We listened to a chant about a dragon and practised clapping in two different rhythms. The boys clapped in one rhythm and the girls clapped in another. It was very hard to concentrate on the clapping and saying the Dragon poem at the same time!