Friday 16 December 2011

Christmas Time!!

The build up to Christmas has been a fun one in Year1. The children have enjoyed practising and performing songs as part of the infant Christmas concert, decorating our Year 1 classrooms with a tree, Santa's grotto and Christmas shop, and getting messy whilst taking part in many Christmas craft activities.  We hope you enjoyed the craft items the children have brought home as much as the children enjoyed making them.

Making Cakes

Christmas Concert

Our Autumn term was finished off with a much deserved Christmas party.  Lots of fun was had with food, dancing and party games.

During our 'special' winter walk the children found Santaand two of his elves in the local woods.  He was able to chat to everyone and gave the children a small gift each.  It was very cold but we enjoyed hot chocolate and biscuits to help keep us warm!