Friday 24 April 2015

Dens and Dandelions - Summer Term Overview

This term, our topic is ‘Dens and Dandelions’. The project has a science focus and teaches children about plants, flowers, trees and creatures found in a woodland habitat.  

During this topic the children will learn:

• About a woodland habitat and what lives and grows there;
• To use scientific and mathematical skills to observe, record and present information;
• How to care for a woodland habitat;
• How to use design technology skills to make structures and prepare food;
• To work as part of a team;
• To develop ICT and writing skills;
• About sustainability;
• How to write simple reports and explanations.

During literacy lessons we will also be covering:

Spelling patterns

• ou
• ow
• oi
• oy
• or
• al
• nk
• er
• ir
• ur
• au
• aw


• adverbs;
• questions;
• alphabetical order;
• compound words;
• plurals;
• antonyms.


During Maths lessons we will be covering:

• Counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s;
• Adding and subtracting a multiple of 10 to and from a 2 digit number;
• Partitioning 2 digit number into tens and units;
• Ordering numbers to 30 and beyond;
• Recall of addition and subtraction facts for pairs of numbers up to 10;
• Adding and subtracting a 1 digit number to a 2 digit number;
• Reading the time to the hour and half hour; begin to use units to measure time – minutes;
• Beginning to add 2 teens numbers not crossing a multiple of 10;
• Begin to recognise odd and even numbers;
• Find totals of sets of coin and give change;
• Solve ‘real-life’ problems involving money.

Mathletics is also back up and running. We know many of you found this site beneficial during the free trial and we strongly believe it will support the raising of standards in maths.  You can access the site using passwords given last term.  If you need a reminder of your child’s password please ask a member of staff.

This term, weather dependent we shall be taking the children outdoors for P.E. Please ensure your child has a P.E kit including suitable footwear (e.g trainers) clearly labelled with their name.

Mrs Vaughan – PE Wednesday

Mrs Bishop– PE Friday

For further advice or guidance on how to support your child’s learning at home 

Mrs Vaughan & Mrs Bishop

Sunday 1 March 2015

Spring 2 overview - "Superheroes"

Dear Parents,
Welcome back, we hope you have had a lovely break!  This half term, our topic is ‘Superheroes’.  At the heart of this project children will write narrative and fantasy stories using a comic and storyboard format. During this topic the children will learn:
·        To use ICT to find and present information including film and animation;
·        To understand the features used by authors and cartoonists in comics and film to describe superheroes;
·        To identify healthy eating habits;
·        To read comic strips and dialogue fluently;
·        To design a comic strip and use it to tell a story;
·        To identify acceptable behaviour and give reasons for choices;
·        To identify real life superheroes and describe their lives.
During literacy lessons we will also be covering:
Spelling patterns
·        igh  ( high, night, bright)
·        y   (my, by, why, sky, fly)
·        ow  (own, low, snow, throw)
·        ew (few, new, chew, news)
·        ou (our, loud, round, house)

·        verbs
·        adverbs
·        adjectives
·        speech marks
·        words to replace said
During Maths lessons we will be covering:
·        time (o’clock)
·        naming and describing common 3D shapes
·        pairs of numbers that make 5,6,7,8 and 9
·        adding 1 digit number to a 2 digit number
·        counting and adding multiples of 10
·        counting back to subtract

For further advice or guidance on how to support your child’s learning at home please speak to any member of staff.   Thank you for your continued support.                
Mrs Vaughan & Mrs Bishop 

Monday 23 February 2015


Next week we are celebrating World Book Day - Thursday 5th March 2015.  We would like all children to come to school dressed as a book character.  During the day the children will be taking part in World Book Day activities.  We ask for a £1 donation which will be used to purchase new library / classroom reading area books.

Thank you for your continued support.

Dance club cancelled

Dance club has been cancelled for tonight, Monday 23rd February 2015.

Football club cancelled

Football club is cancelled for tonight, Monday 23rd February, due to the weather.

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Spring 2015 half term overview

Dear Parents,
Welcome back and Happy New Year!  This half term, our topic is ‘Land Ahoy!  The main focus of the topic is design and technology and teaches the children about the properties of different materials, simple forces, and water safety.  During this topic the children will learn:

  • ·         About forces (push, pull, floating and sinking);

  • ·         About the properties of different materials;

  • ·         How to conduct a fair test;

  • ·         About water transport through the ages and across the world;

  • ·         How to use a range of sources to find information;

  • ·         How to write and retell narrative stories.

During literacy lessons we will also be covering:

Spelling patterns
·         ss/zz
·         ck
·         y at the end
·         wh
·         ay
·         ea

·        adjectives;
·        verbs;
·        conjugating verbs;
·        past tense;
·        doubling rule;
·        future tense.

During Maths lessons we will be covering:

  • ·         Recognising zero; reading numbers to 100 in words and figures;

  • ·         Counting objects by grouping in 10’s;

  • ·         Understanding and using ordinal numbers;

  • ·         Ordering numbers to 20 and beyond;

  • ·         Comparing capacities and measure using non-standard units;

  • ·         Compare weights and measure using non-standard units;

  • ·         Describe position and movement;

For further advice or guidance on how to support your child’s learning at home please speak to any member of staff.   Thank you for your continued support.                
Mrs Vaughan & Mrs Bishop