Wednesday 21 April 2010

Summer Term Overview - Mini Beasts

Language,literacy and communication
Re-tell stories about mini beasts
Compare and contrast story settings
Write stories using simple settings
Role play - fantasy mini beasts worlds
Compare and contrast poems
Write non chronological reports on mini beasts
Develop ability to spell common and familiar words
Develop a legible style of handwriting
Jolly phonic sounds - ll,ss,ck,y,a-e,i-e,o-e,u-e
Mathematical Development
Grouping and counting in 10's and 5's
10 more/10 less
Adding and subtracting 1's and 10's
Time - o'clock and half past
Adding and subtraction facts making 7,8,9 and 10's
Odds and Evens
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Pushes and Pulls - observe and describe/stopping movement
Plants - finding/growing/planting/looking after/eating/investigating
Environmentally friendly - dangers of pollution/ litter pick/traffic survey
Recognise changes - holidays past and present/transport past and present
Story of creation - new beginnings
mini beasts research through Internet
Creative Development
draw, paint, design and model mini beasts
observational drawings of plants
weaving and sewing summer scenes
design and make a bug box
mini beast dance
Physical Development
PESS gymnastic shapes
Games - bat and ball
Welsh Language Development