Monday 25 January 2010

Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?

After reading the story The Three Little Pigs, we had a
surprise when the big bad wolf arrived in our class!

We thought of questions to ask the wolf with our talking partners.

Then we hot seated him to find out more about his character.

Although Mr Wolf seemed very friendly when answering our questions, he crept into the classroom later in the afternoon and began causing trouble by chasing us!

Luckily the wolf calmed down and posed for some
photographs with very brave members of the class!

He was reunited with the 3 little pigs, who were quick to get away after this photograph!

After Mr Wolf's visit we thought of lots of words to describe him; the way he looked,
what his personailty was like etc. We then thought of words to describe the three little pigs.
We used post-it notes to write these down, and put them onto the correct character.

Finally we wrote a character profile for Mr Wolf, using the
information we had obtained from hot seating him.