Wednesday 4 February 2009

Spring Term Overview -Year 1
The following is an overview of work to be covered during the Spring Term.

Theme - Once Upon a time .........

Language, Literacy and Communication

Re telling traditional fairy tales

Report writing

Dictionary/alphabetical order

Character descriptions

Play scripts / Role play

Reading and spelling sounds: ch,th,qu,ou,oi,ue,er,ar


Rhyming poems

Reading and spelling high frequency words

Mathematical Development

Read numbers to 100

Count in 10's from a 1 digit number

Ordinal numbers

Ordering numbers

Pairs of numbers that total up to 10

WeightTime - o'clock, half past

Use simple tables

Name and describe 3D shapes

Adding 10's by counting on

Counting back

1 or 10 more or less

Subtract 1 digit number from a 2 digit

Personal and Social Development

Setting own targets

Feelings and emotions of themselves and others

Importance of rules

Effects of exercise on the body

Welsh Identity

Creative Development

Clay / junk models

Drawings from direct experience

Explore pulse, rhythm and pitch

Sequence, linking, contrasting actions

Designing fruit and veg products

Welsh Language Development



May I have?



Physical Development

Bouncing, bowling, dribbling a ball

Run and kicking a ball

Travelling on different body parts

Linking together gymnastic actions

Handling a variety of tools

Knowledge and Understanding of the World

Sorting and describing materials


Transparent, translucent, Opaque

Pushes and Pulls

Washday in the past

Electricity Now/then

Lighting Now/ then

Homes around the World


Special People

Different cultures


Using a word processor

Using a word bank

Using sounds and pictures

Using a programmable toy

Using cameras, video recorders and microphones