Friday 28 November 2008

Respect Week Success

Respect week was a great success with the children enjoying a wide variety of activities which emphasised the need for respecting of our world. Here are just a few examples of what the children got up to.

Some of the children brought their pets into school for the day. We found out all about how to care for them.

Mr Newman brought 2 police dogs into school and told us all about their jobs. We also got to look at the police car. He even put the siren on for us. It was very loud!

We thought really hard about what makes a good friend. We all made a 'friendship promise'. The promises included playing nicely together, being kind and helping each other.

We played nicely together all week!

All of Year 1 went around the school grounds and into the local community to collect litter. We used pickers so that we did not have to touch the litter. We collected lots! Dropping litter is wrong because it makes our world look untidy and because it can harm small animals.