Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Superheroes overview

Welcome back, we hope you have had a lovely break!  This half term, our topic is ‘Superheroes’.  At the heart of this project children will write narrative and fantasy stories using a comic and storyboard format. During this topic the children will learn:

·         To use ICT to find and present information including film and animation;

·         understand the features used by authors and cartoonists in comics and film to describe superheroes;

·         identify healthy eating habits;

·         read comic strips and dialogue fluently;

·         design a comic strip and use it to tell a story;

·         identify acceptable behaviour and give reasons for choices;

·         identify real life superheroes and describe their lives.

During literacy lessons we will also be covering:

Spelling patterns

·         igh  ( high, night, bright)

·         y   (my, by, why, sky, fly)

·         ow  (own, low, snow, throw)

·         ew (few, new, chew, news)

·         ou (our, loud, round, house)

·         ow (how, owl, clown, flower)



·         verbs

·         adverbs

·         adjectives

·         speech marks

·         words to replace said

During Maths lessons we will be covering
·         Reading the time on an analogue clock (o’clock);
·     Begin to use the names of common 3D shapes;
·         Describing the features of familiar 3D shapes;
·         Counting on and back in 10’s from any number to 100;
·         Counting on and back in 1’s and 10’s; say the number that is 1 or 10 more or less;
·         Begin to subtract a 1 digit number from a 2 digit number;
·         Subtracting by counting back to a multiple of 10.

For further advice or guidance on how to support your child’s learning at home please speak to any member of staff.   Thank you for your continued support.