Friday, 7 March 2014

Eisteddfod 2014

Congratulations to all the children who entered the handwriting, story writing and art competitions. It was very hard decision but here are our Winners.

Story writing I2

Story writing I1

Art I1

Handwriting I2

Handwriting I1

Art I2

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Superheroes overview

Welcome back, we hope you have had a lovely break!  This half term, our topic is ‘Superheroes’.  At the heart of this project children will write narrative and fantasy stories using a comic and storyboard format. During this topic the children will learn:

·         To use ICT to find and present information including film and animation;

·         understand the features used by authors and cartoonists in comics and film to describe superheroes;

·         identify healthy eating habits;

·         read comic strips and dialogue fluently;

·         design a comic strip and use it to tell a story;

·         identify acceptable behaviour and give reasons for choices;

·         identify real life superheroes and describe their lives.

During literacy lessons we will also be covering:

Spelling patterns

·         igh  ( high, night, bright)

·         y   (my, by, why, sky, fly)

·         ow  (own, low, snow, throw)

·         ew (few, new, chew, news)

·         ou (our, loud, round, house)

·         ow (how, owl, clown, flower)



·         verbs

·         adverbs

·         adjectives

·         speech marks

·         words to replace said

During Maths lessons we will be covering
·         Reading the time on an analogue clock (o’clock);
·     Begin to use the names of common 3D shapes;
·         Describing the features of familiar 3D shapes;
·         Counting on and back in 10’s from any number to 100;
·         Counting on and back in 1’s and 10’s; say the number that is 1 or 10 more or less;
·         Begin to subtract a 1 digit number from a 2 digit number;
·         Subtracting by counting back to a multiple of 10.

For further advice or guidance on how to support your child’s learning at home please speak to any member of staff.   Thank you for your continued support.             

Trashion show

We had a great time at the Trashion show both on the catwalk and as a member of the audience.


Sunday, 2 March 2014

Go Green!

We have been finding out more about looking after our planet this week.  We started off our Eco days with a whole school assembly.  We looked fab all dressed in Green.

In Year 1 our topic was water. We learnt a little about the water cycle and where our water comes from. It has been raining such a lot recently that we decided to find out just how much. We made rain gauges using junk materials. We are going to record how much rain falls in Pontyclun every day.