Monday, 18 November 2013

Remember, Remember

Dear Parents,

This half term, our topic is ‘Remember, Remember’.  The main focus of the topic is history, teaching the children about the Great Fire of London and the Gunpowder Plot and how these are remembered.  During this topic the children will learn:

·         About life in 1600’s England;

·         How to use a range of historical source materials;

·         About 2 significant events of the time, The Gunpowder  
         Plot and the Great Fire of London;

·         About significant people of the time including Guy
         Fawkes, Tom Farriner and Samuel Pepys;

·         About the dangers of fire and how to keep safe;

·         How to write recounts and diaries of real events;

·         How to express their ideas about fire through painting
         and craft.


During literacy lessons we will also be covering:

Spelling patterns

·         ff

·         ll

·         ss/zz

·         a_e

·         i_e

·         o_e

·         u_e


·         ‘a’ or ‘an’

·         plurals

·         pronouns

·         initial blends

·         final blends

·         alphabetical order


During Maths lessons we will be covering:

·         using the names of common 2d shapes;

·         describing features of familiar 2d shapes;

·         1 less than a given number;

·         counting back from a given number;

·         subtracting by counting back;

·         knowing doubles of numbers to 5;

·         adding by identifying near doubles;

·         Recognising coins of different values;

·         Exchanging coins for 10p and 1p coins.

For further advice or guidance on how to support your child’s learning at home please speak to any member of staff.  Thank you for your support.