Monday, 9 September 2013

Welcome Back!

We hope you have enjoyed a lovely summer.  The children have all returned to school enthusiastic about their time in Year 1 and we hope this continues.  Below you will find some information about what your child will be covering during this half term.

This half term, our topic is ‘Community Explorers’.  The focus of the topic is geography, with children gaining fun, first hand experiences of their locality and using these experiences to develop a range of different skills.

During this topic the children will learn:

·         How to use and make maps and plans;

·         About the geographical and human features of their own communities;

·         About important people who help them in their community;

·         How to follow instructions and directions;

·         How to write and order instructions;

·         How to use art and design skills to express their ideas.

During literacy lessons we will also be covering:
Spelling patterns

·         ch

·         sh

·         th

·         ng

·         qu

·         ar

·         short vowels a, e, i, o, u

·         Capital letters;

·         Sentences;

·         proper nouns;

·         common nouns;

·         Alphabetical order.

During Maths lessons we will be covering:

·         Counting up to 100 – forwards and backwards in multiples of 1 and 10;

·         Reading numbers to 20 in figures;

·         Recognising and understanding value of teen numbers;

·         Pairs of numbers that make 4, 5, 6, 7;

·         Doubling;

·         Less than/ more than

·         2D shape recognition

·         Comparing lengths and heights of objects;

·         Shop role play- using till and money, coin recognition

·         Days of the week, months and seasons.

For further advice or guidance on how to support your child’s learning at home please speak to any member of staff.   Thank you for your support.