- Re-telling stories / news
- Character profiles
- Play scripts
- Dictionary / alphabetical order
- Rhyming poems
- Story writing/ story endings
- Role-play / Hot- seating
- Reading and spelling high frequency words
- Recap Jolly Phonic spelling
- Grammar - capital letters, sentences, common nouns, proper nouns, plurals, a/an
- Handwriting
Mathematical Development
- Recognising number names
- Counting in 10's from a 1 digit number
- 1 / 10 more /less
- Adding 10's
- Ordinal numbers
- Comparing and ordering numbers
- weight- heavy / light
- Addition facts - 7, 8, 9 and 10
- Subtraction
- Positional language
- 3D shapes- recognition and properties
- Time - o'clock
- Tables
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
- Naming and sorting materials
- Transparent, translucent, opaque
- Magnets
- Waterproof materials
- Pushes and pulls
- Wash day in the past
- Electrical appliances comparing now/ then
- Life of Florence Nightingale
- Comparing locality / homes
- Easter story
- Using a word processor
- Recording sounds- Tuff Cam, microphone
- Create labels
- Create posters
- Sorting objects
- Using a word bank
Creative Development
- Clay models
- Junk modelling
- Half finished pictures
- Printing
- Collage
- Dance - respond to a story stimulus
- Link and perform contrasting actions
- Music -explore pulse and rhythm
- Identify and recognise beat, rhythm and pitch
- Make apple crumble
- Design a pair of shoes
- Easter and Mother's day cards
Physical Development
- Roll a ball accurately
- Travel in a variety of ways
- Bowl at different speeds and directions
- Bounce a ball
- PESS-Gymnastics
- Weaving
- Digging / planting
- Talk about feelings and emotions positively
- Set simple goals
- Mothering Sunday
- Winter walk
- Lives of children in other countries
- Welsh identity
Welsh Language Development
- Weather
- Verbs
- Commands
- Likes / dislikes