Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Useful sites

Below is a link to a fun website that will help your child to practise spelling, reading, adding and ordering numbers etc. There are a variety of games that your child can play to enhance their learning and understanding of Literacy and Numeracy topics covered this term.

Usng ICT to sort objects

We have been using our numeracy skills to sort objects. We talked about what makes an animal, then we sorted pictures on the computer into 2 groups. We used our ICT skills to share ideas using picture and word banks.

Treasure Hunt!

We used our communication skills to decode text and find simple information. We answered the questions as a group and found the treasure! We have been practising how to count on.

Sunday, 20 September 2009

PESS - making shapes and creating sequences

We have been practising the 8 basic shapes in gym. We had fun moving as a frog and a fox!
We used our thinking skills to identify what worked and what we need to improve next time.

Naming parts of the face and body

We've been labelling parts of the face and body. We had fun playing 'Simon Says' too! We communicated our ideas about parts of the body with our talking partners with increasing confidence.

We've been using numbers

We've been learning to count in tens. We've also been adding two numbers together. We've been using numbers in practical situations.

Rhyming Words

We read the stories 'Pat the Cat' and'Jen the Hen'. We have been reading and spelling lots of rhyming words. We used our thinking skills to identify what we have learned.

Using numbers!

We had fun finding numbers up to 20 and putting them in the correct order.
We used our thinking skills to link our learning to other situations.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Autumn Term Overview

Language, Literacy and Communication

· Reading and spelling cvc words
· Recap jolly phonic sounds and formation
· Re telling stories
· Rhyming words
· Sequencing sentences
· Speech bubbles
· Lists
· Instructions
· Reading and spelling high frequency words.

Mathematical Development

Adding 2 numbers up to 10
Count on and back up to 100 in 1’s and 10’s
Read numbers to 20 in figures
Recognise and understand the value of teen numbers
Counting on, counting back
Recognise coins, making amounts
Comparing numbers
1 less than / 1 more than
2D shapes
Comparing lengthDays of the week, months and seasons.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World

Ourselves- body parts
5 senses
Alive/ not alive
Life cycles
Sound and hearing
Houses- old / new
Victorian school day / artefacts
Journeys-routes / directions
Festivals- harvest, Hanukah, Christmas

Creative Development

Self portraits
Still life drawings
Prints, collages
Christmas decorations
Making cakes
Christmas cards
Exploring sounds- identify sources of sound, make sounds, select soundsDance- contrasting and linking actions, explore pathways, sequence actions.

Welsh Language Development

Parts of the body
How are you?
What’s the matter?


School environment


Using a word bank
Using a keyboard - type name

Physical Development

Throwing a beanbag, ball etc.
Catching a beanbag, ball etc.
Target games