Friday, 26 September 2014

NSPCC sponsored sports fun

Year 6 organised a fantastic afternoon of sporting fun for us all.  Thank you to everyone who raised sponsorship money for this fantastic cause. Diolch

School garden

We have been enjoying harvesting the fruit and vegetables from our greenhouse and allotment. 
We enjoyed tasting them too!

Where do we live?

We began our new topic by finding out where Pontyclun is on the map. We know that we live in Wales and found out that Wales is part of the United Kingdom.  We painted Union Jack and welsh flags to make bunting to hang in Year 1.

Community Explorers

We enjoyed exploring our local village. We recorded the types of buildings we saw and met some of the people who work in the community.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Some useful information

We look forward to an exciting and busy year.  Please find below information to make the transition into Year 1 as easy as possible for both you and your child.  We will notify you of any changes on the Year 1 noticeboard (in the window at the entrance).

P.E – Mrs Vaughan
Show and Tell
 P.E – Mrs Bishop

 Reading - We will be sending your child home with a reading book/flashcards.  Each child has a specific reading day each week when they will be listened to by their teacher/teaching assistant.  Please ensure your child’s book and record is in school on this day.  We would recommend listening to your child read regularly, every night if possible, asking questions to ensure they understand what they are reading. We will also be sending tricky words home to read and spell each week alongside their reading book.  Please provide your child with a small plastic box with lid. This box will be used to store the words.
Maths – Your child may also bring home a Maths activity or other home task.  This is an optional activity that will help your child to consolidate work done in class, and give you an idea on how you can support your child at home.
P.E – Children will require PE kit consisting of a white t shirt/ school house colour t-shirt and black/navy shorts or jogging bottoms/leggings.  Please ensure your child does not wear any jewellery to school on their PE day as we are unable to assist them in removing it. Some sessions may be outdoors (weather dependant) so trainers will be required.

Junk Modelling – Your child may bring home models they have created at our junk model station.  Children are welcome to keep these models, though we do ask if you are throwing them away, please return any useable materials to school.  We would also appreciate any clean junk that can be used to create models (yoghurt pots, small boxes, corks, lids etc)  Other donations are also always greatly received, including items such as flour, food colouring, tissues, wet wipes, hand wash, stationery and old children’s magazines.

Snack – Just a reminder. We will be providing a healthy snack for the children on a daily basis, at a cost of £1 per week. This money will be collected at the beginning of each week.  If you wish to pay half termly or termly please do so.
Show and Tell – This will take place each half term.  Your child can bring in something special to them, talk about an achievement or a specific interest. Please refer to your 'Welcome to Year 1' newsletter for your child's dates. Alternativley please peak to a member of staff.

We appreciate this is a lot of information but we hope it helps our year run smoothly.  Please feel free to approach any member of staff with any concerns, queries or questions about your child.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Welcome to Year 1!

This half term, our topic is ‘Community Explorers’.  The main focus of the topic is geography and teaches the children about the geographical and human features of their local community.   During this topic the children will learn:

·         How to use and make maps and plans;

·         About the features of their own communities;

·         About important people who help them in their local community;

·         How to follow instructions and directions;

·         How to write and order instructions;

·         How to use art and design skills to express their ideas.

During literacy lessons we will also be covering:
Spelling patterns

·         ch

·         sh

·         th

·         ng

·         qu

·         ar

·         short vowels a, e, i, o, u

·         Capital letters;

·         Sentences;

·         proper nouns;

·         common nouns;

·         Alphabetical order.

During Maths lessons we will be covering:

·         Counting up to 100 – forwards and backwards in multiples of 1 and 10;

·         Reading numbers to 20 in figures;

·         Recognising and understanding value of teen numbers;

·         Pairs of numbers that make 4, 5, 6, 7;

·         Doubling;

·         Less than/ more than

·         2D shape recognition

·         Comparing lengths and heights of objects;

·         Shop role play- using till and money, coin recognition

·         Days of the week, months and seasons.
For further advice or guidance on how to support your child’s learning at home please speak to any member of staff.