Dear Parents,
Welcome back we hope you have had a wonderful Easter
break. This term, our topic is ‘Dens and
Dandelions’ The project has a science
focus and teaches children about plants, flowers, trees and creatures found in
a woodland habitat.
During this topic the children will learn:
About a woodland habitat and what lives and
grows there;
To use scientific and mathematical skills to
observe, record and present information;
How to care for a woodland habitat;
How to use design technology skills to make
structures and prepare food;
To work as part of a team;
To develop ICT and writing skills;
About sustainability;
How to write simple reports and explanations.
During literacy lessons we will also be covering:
Spelling patterns
alphabetical order;
compound words;
During Maths lessons we will be covering:
Counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s;
Adding and subtracting a multiple of 10 to
and from a 2 digit number;
Partitioning 2 digit number into tens and units;
Ordering numbers to 30 and beyond;
Know addition and subtraction facts for pairs
of numbers up to 10;
Adding and subtracting a 1 digit number to a
2 digit number;
Read the time to the hour and half hour;
begin to use units to measure time – minutes;
Begin to add 2 teens numbers not crossing a
multiple of 10;
Begin to recognise odd and even numbers;
Find totals of sets of coins and give change;
Solve ‘real-life’ problems involving money.
This term, weather dependent we shall be taking the
children outdoors for P.E. Please ensure your child has a P.E kit including
suitable footwear (e.g trainers) clearly labelled with their name.
Miss Davies – PE Tuesday
Mrs Vaughan – PE Wednesday
For further advice or guidance on how to support your
child’s learning at home please speak to a member of staff.
Mrs Vaughan & Miss Davies