Sunday, 6 April 2014

Purple mash

We have begun using Purple Mash in school.  We have used it to help Batman find his way around Gotham City ( 2Go) and to write about our own superhero (2Simple) 
We have also learnt how to use an internet search engine to find information and sites about Superheroes.  We particularly enjoyed creating our own superhero and comic strip on the Marvel site.

The Sword in the Stone

We were very lucky to have a musical theatre group come into school with a production of Sword in the Stone. James and Fran were lucky enough to be chosen to be part of the cast! We learnt songs and thoroughly enjoyed joining in. 

A Welsh Illustrator Visit

Matthew came to talk to us about his job as an illustrator.  He showed us his work and gave us some tips on how to create and draw our own characters.  He showed us how we could use speech bubbles and sounds to help to tell the story.


We enjoyed experimenting with our 5 senses. We then talked about what super senses our superheroes could have.

3d shapes - building a lair for Spider-Man

We had a letter from Spider-Man asking for our help! We designed him a new lair using 3d shapes.

Healthy Food - Eating like a superhero

We tasted different fruits and vegetables and recorded what we liked and disliked using a table.  We also practised talking about our choices in Welsh.

We then designed a healthy meal for a superhero and created it for a display.