Sunday, 27 January 2013

St Dwynwen

Friday January 25th was St Dwynwen's Day. We learnt that St Dwynwen is the patron saint of love in Wales. To celebrate we designed and made our own card to give to somebody we love.
Dydd Santes Dwynwen Hapus!

Traditional Stories

This term we are reading lots of traditional stories. This week our favourite was 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'. We listened carefully to the story and enjoyed acting out the different scenes. We have lots of budding actors and actresses in Year 1!

Snowmen craft

Following the fun we had in the snow we made cake pop snowmen and snowmen pictures to make a fantastic Winter display for our classrooms.

Winter Fun

We are enjoying finding out about WInter. When it snowed we brought the ice and snow indoors to play. We found that it melted much quicker indoors than it did out!

Spring Term

This term our topic is 'Round and Round the Garden'.  Below you will find an outline of what the children will be doing until Easter.  If you have any queries or questions please don't hesitate to come in and speak to a member of staff.

Mathematical Development

·  Counting/ recognising/ matching numbers to 100.

·  Counting in 10’s, adding 1n 10’s

·  Number bonds to 10

·  Ordinal  numbers

·  Comparing and ordering numbers

·  More and less

·  Adding and subtracting by counting on and back up to 30

·  Weight- heavy / light/ making comparisons

·  Positional language –above, below, left, right, beside, forwards, backwards. - follow trails

·  Name 3D shapes

·   Time- o’clock/ half past

·  Reading formation in graphs and tables.

Language,Literacy and Communication Skills


·  Listening to a range of stories, poems and rhymes
·  Fairy tales - sequencing stories – beginning, middle and end.
·  Re-telling  theme related Writing an alternative ending to a story (traditional / fairy stories)
·  Jolly Grammar 1- initial blends, alphabetical order, verbs, past tense, future tense, nouns, , doubling rule.
·  Spelling –  vowels, magic e, wh, ay, ea, igh, y
·  Read and spell high frequency words
·  Handwriting – letter formation
·  Reading/writing and following instructions
·  Recounts of events, trips, weekend news

Personal and Social Development, Well Being and Cultural Diversity

·         Recognise, name and deal with their feelings in a positive way.
·         Think about themselves, learn from experiences and recognise what they are good at.
·         Working with a partner and in small groups
·         Recognise how their behaviour affects other people.
·         New Year’s resolutions/promises
·         Set simple goals
Caring for environment – plants, mini beasts
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
   Ask and answer questions.
   Weather – facts, how does weather effect us, plants and animals
   Rain gauge - Make observations and measurements and keep records.
   Plants – name/label parts of a plant, growing plants
   Seasons – Winter – focus on birds and how we can help them during the winter – RSPB  big bird watch. 
   Mini beasts – group living things  - using simple differences. Learn the names of common mini beasts and what they look like.
   Rain gauge - Make observations and measurements and keep records.
Physical Development
·         Rolling, bowling, bouncing, throwing and catching small equipment
·         Carrying apparatus safely.
·         Understand the effects and importance of exercise on the body..
·         Creating sequences of movements.
·         Performing for others.
·         Fine motor- drawing, chalking, and painting, cutting, threading and modelling   

Welsh Language Development


·         Communicating in Welsh through Speaking and listening, reading and writing.  Covering topics of:
·         Greetings
·          Weather

·          The Garden



Creative Development


·          Dance - To respond to a stimulus – Ugly Bug Ball
·          Perform in pairs using mirroring technique.
·          Music - recognise the differences between beat and rhythm
·          Explore and recognise pitch- high and low voices
·          Perform a story using high and low sounds.
·          Art/D.T- Junk modelling plan/design/make miniature garden
·          Observational drawings – flowers
·          Clay Modelling - mini beasts