Sunday, 20 May 2012

Summer Term - Pirates

This term our theme is Pirates.  Below you will find an overview of what your children is learning/ experiencing this term in Year 1.

Language, Literacy and Communication

·  Listening to a range of sea/pirate/island stories including big books,films and CD's
·  Jolly Grammar 1- adjectives, adverbs, verbs, plurals, antonyms, speech marks, questions
·  Jolly phonics – ea,igh,ew,ou,ow,oi,oy,or,al,nk,er,ir,ur,au,aw
·  Character profiles
·  Illustrated dictionary on theme
·  Sequencing stories – beginning, middle and end.
·  Read and spell high frequency words
·  Handwriting – letter formation
·  Re-telling theme related stories (fantasy)
·  Recounts of events, trips, weekend news

Mathematical Development

   Tables, time 0’ clock and half past, timing
   Grouping and counting in 10’s and 5’s
   10 more / 10 less
   Adding 10’s and 1's
   In between numbers, ordering numbers to 50 and beyond 
   Addition and subtraction facts- making 7, 8, 9 and 10’s.
   Coins, adding and making amounts, giving change
   Odds and evens
   Adding crossing a multiple of 10 by counting on.
   Taking away- 1’s and 10’s

Personal and Social Development, wellbeing and Cultural Diversity
·    Role-play pirate situations – discuss choices characters have made and their effect on others
·    Write a Pirate code for role-play area reflecting their values e.g no washing, don’t hog the rum!
·     Pirate party – children dress up, play games and dance to sea shanties!
·    ‘Relationships’ - Knowing myself. Understanding my feelings. Managing my feelings.  Understanding the feelings of others.
·     ‘Changes’ – Knowing myself, Planning to reach a goal, Making choices

Physical Development

          Games to develop control of body movements,
       Throwing, catching and striking a ball with accuracy.
       Carrying apparatus safely.
       PESS- Gymnastics - creating sequences of shapes and actions
       Using tuff cam to evaluate own performance.
        Fine motor- drawing, chalking, painting, cutting, and modelling
        Play ‘pirate ship’s’ and ‘walk the plank'
        Create pirate obstacle courses

Creative Development
·          To respond to a story or theme stimulus – Pirate songs/dance
·     Explore instruments and symbols
·     Sewing sea scenes with felt and fabric.
·     Partner pictures- pirate scenes
·     Design and make a pirate ship flag - Evaluate own design and improve.
·     Grow vegetables/ fruit/flowers
·     Make cakes, cookies, sandwiches in the shape of seaside objects for pirate party.
·     Create a ‘pirate sea chest’ with individual belongings

Knowledge and Undertsanding of the World
   Identify what they want to find out about the topic and identify how to find out    what they want to know.
   Research famous pirates
   Find out and label parts of a pirate ship
   Research variety of boats/shipwrecks/life at sea
   Create pirate plans and treasure Island maps.
   Use co-ordinates to follow a map
   Be environmentally friendly / aware of the dangers to sea creatures/  know about pollution at sea.
   Investigate making an eye patch and looking at things with one eye
   Investigate using cylinders to make a telescope
   Investigate floating and sinking by testing the amount of loot their boot will

Welsh Language Development
·  Speaking, reading and writing using welsh language patterns covering:
·  Greetings  
·  Beth sy’n bod? (Whats the matter)
·  Clothing – sort and label
·  Positional language to help play welsh game
·  Theme related songs

Monday, 7 May 2012


To celebrate Easter the children enjoyed an egg hunt, egg rolling and a bonnet parade.  A day of fun was had by all!

Egg rolling

Easter Egg Hunt

Bonnet Parade

Knowledge and Understanding - Spring Walk

We re-visited the local woods to see how it had changed from our last visit during the Winter months. We found lots of signs of Spring.