Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Go Green!

Dear Parents

Going Green

As part of our Eco Schools’ Initiative, the first two days back after half-term will be covering environmental issues.We would like to invite the children to wear green, or clothes to do with a recycled theme for these two days, 1st and 2nd November.

Many thanks

Eco Committee

K&U Autumn Woodland Walk

We enjoyed putting on our wellies and exploring the woodland by school. We were looking for signs of Autumn. We found lots of red, brown, orange and yellow leaves. We took back to school some of the items we found to investigate further.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Fruit and vegetables at Harvest Time!

This week we have been exploring different fruit and vegetables with a variety of activities

Fruit and vegetable printing

Observational drawing and painting

Physical Development -Fine motor development

Weaving fruit basket

Salt dough - fruit and vegetables

PVegetable Soup

We washed and peeled and chopped vegetables to put into our vegetable soup