Saturday, 22 January 2011

Our Big Bubble Experiment

We followed a recipe to make a 'big bubble mixture'.
We used fairy liquid, cornflour, baking powder and water.
We needed a big bucket, a big bubble wand, a big tray and big hoops.

We all thought that we would be able to make big bubbles.

We thought that we would not be able to make big bubbles.

We did it! We used the big bubble wand and we waved it in the air to make huge bubbles!

Some bubbles were big, some bubbles were really big, some bubbles were huge!

We all had a go to see who could make the biggest bubble.

Then we used the hula hoops to try to make a bubble big enough for us to stand in.

We nearly did it!

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Finding facts about the weather

We have been finding out about the weather because our new topic is called ' Up In The Sky'.

In different groups we were given a challenge of finding out all about different weather. Some of us found facts about the rain, some of us found facts about the sun, some of us found facts about the snow and some of us found facts about the wind.We used books to look for information. Each one of us wrote a sentence of an interesting fact we wanted to tell the class.

There were lots of facts to choose from.

There were lots of pictures to look at.

Then we shared our interesting facts with the rest of the class. We pretended to be the teacher.

'The sun heats the ground'

'The rain and the sun makes a rainbow'

'The wind spreads seeds'

'Snowflakes are very cold'

We had completed our challenge by joining our information together to make a book all about the weather. It was fun to work together to find out about the weather.