Monday, 26 October 2009

Sharing Assembly

On Friday, we talked about our first half term in a sharing assembly to the rest of the Infants. It was a chance to show what we have been learning this half term. We have been very busy! Our two half term merit award winners were also congratulated during the assembly.

Diwali Week

We have been finding out about the Festival of Light (Diwali) this week. We have made divas, Diwali cards and envelopes, party food lists, rangoli patterns, masks and firework pictures on the computer. Here is our work on display.

Planning and Investigating

We asked: 'Is the oldest the tallest?' We planned our investigation by deciding what we would measure and how we would carry out the investigation. Then, in groups we measured each other using
either our hands or pens to see if the oldest is the tallest. Why do you think the older children tend to be the tallest?

Thursday, 22 October 2009

ICT Skills

We have learnt how to type our names using a keyboard. We have been using Caps Lock to type our names correctly with a capital letter.


Thank you for all your donations. We put the coins on a Harvest mat and talked about why we celebrate Harvest.

Diwali- Painting Jars

We have been finding out about Diwali this week. We used our creative skills to make choices about materials and resources. We have painted glass jars and made 'divas' to celebrate Diwali. Can you say why we light divas?

Measuring Heights

We used our Number skills to measure and compare different lengths and heights of objects. We chose cubes, straws, blocks and our feet to measure the heights of all the objects.

Monday, 19 October 2009

Diwali - Using a Word Bank

We have been learning about Diwali. We listened to the story of Rama and Sita and talked about how people celebrate Diwali. We used our ICT skills to present our ideas using a word bank. We labelled pictures about Diwali. Can you say how people celebrate Diwali?

Talking Partners- Spelling Challenge!

We used our communication skills by working with our talking partners to think of as many cvc words as we could. We wrote them on white boards and shared our words with the class.

Friday, 16 October 2009

Animal Models

Thank you for all your hard work with this week's home task. The children have thought very carefully and made some wonderful creations.

Fashion Show!

We all had fun taking part in the fashion show! Here are some of our finalists in Year One!

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Talking Partners

We communicated and listened to our talking partners. We told our partner our route to school and they drew a map of the journey. We also used our ICT skills to help create and present our routes.

Litter Pick and Rhyscycle

This week, we decided to go on a litter pick to help us learn about waste. We then used our Number skills to sort the litter into groups of different materials. What do you think we should recycle? A special visitor came to our school and talked to us about litter. We all enjoyed meeting Rhyscycle!

Fruit Kebabs

Earlier this week we designed our fruit kebabs. Today, we made our fruit kebabs and talked about what we enjoyed and how we could improve our designs next time. They were very tasty and we all enjoyed them! We re-used our left overs and put all our waste into the compost bin.

Road Safety

We had a road safety talk in school this week. We listened carefully about how we should cross the road. What do we need to remember before crossing the road?