Sunday, 31 May 2009

Sharing Assembly

Year one shared their work with the rest of the Infants during a sharing assembly at the end of half term. The children wanted to show some of the things they had learnt about. We enjoyed writing dolphin reports, finding out about the water cycle, finding out whether plants need water to grow and making rainbow pictures using wet and dry chalks.

Noah's Ark

We read the story Noah's Ark and the children re-told the story using masks.


Year one have been learning about pushes and pulls. As part of our water topic, the children made boats and had a race to see which boat travelled the furthest.


Year one have been busy digging the allotment area and growing potatoes over the last term. It took lots of hard work to clear all the weeds and grass! We all had lots of fun!

Friday, 22 May 2009

Key Stage 1 Sports Day

Dear Parent(s)

Please note that sports day will be held on Tuesday 2nd June.