We hope this blog will give an insight into what is happening in and around Year 1 in our school. It is a site for all pupils, parents and governors.
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Thursday, 5 February 2009
Year 1 enjoyed this 2 week theme as part of our Spring topic of fairy tales. The children enjoyed bringing their own teddy bears to school to meet their friends. We also made the 3 bears cottage, bear masks and wrote bear stories. To bring the theme to a close we held a teddy bears picnic.
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
The following is an overview of work to be covered during the Spring Term.
Theme - Once Upon a time .........
Language, Literacy and Communication
Re telling traditional fairy tales
Report writing
Dictionary/alphabetical order
Character descriptions
Play scripts / Role play
Reading and spelling sounds: ch,th,qu,ou,oi,ue,er,ar
Rhyming poems
Reading and spelling high frequency words
Mathematical Development
Read numbers to 100
Count in 10's from a 1 digit number
Ordinal numbers
Ordering numbers
Pairs of numbers that total up to 10
WeightTime - o'clock, half past
Use simple tables
Name and describe 3D shapes
Adding 10's by counting on
Counting back
1 or 10 more or less
Subtract 1 digit number from a 2 digit
Personal and Social Development
Setting own targets
Feelings and emotions of themselves and others
Importance of rules
Effects of exercise on the body
Welsh Identity
Creative Development
Clay / junk models
Drawings from direct experience
Explore pulse, rhythm and pitch
Sequence, linking, contrasting actions
Designing fruit and veg products
Welsh Language Development
May I have?
Physical Development
Bouncing, bowling, dribbling a ball
Run and kicking a ball
Travelling on different body parts
Linking together gymnastic actions
Handling a variety of tools
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Sorting and describing materials
Transparent, translucent, Opaque
Pushes and Pulls
Washday in the past
Electricity Now/then
Lighting Now/ then
Homes around the World
Special People
Different cultures
Using a word processor
Using a word bank
Using sounds and pictures
Using a programmable toy
Using cameras, video recorders and microphones
We used cutters to make Christmas trees and bells out of play dough.
The children enjoyed using paper mache. Can you guess what it is yet?!
A snowman!!!
Once the paper mache was dry the children painted on the face and added a hat and scarf to keep him warm.
All the children enjoyed our Christmas party.
We had a dance , party food and Santa came to surprise us!