Monday, 14 December 2009

Mathematical Development - Number Hunt

We have been learning how to subtract. We went outside and answered problem solving questions and then we went on a hunt for the answers. We have been playing games in class to help us practise taking away too. We also answered take away questions and 'fished' for the correct answer!

Creative Development- Mirroring

We have been making slow movements with a partner. We mirrored each other and created a sequence, which included high and low shapes, slow and twising movements and change of direction. We took photos and videos of children who showed what we were looking for. We evaluated our perfomances using 2 stars and a wish.

Welsh Language Development - Beth wyt ti' n hoffi?

Wyt ti'n hoffi teisien tatws?

Wyt ti'n hoffi bara caws?

We tasted lots of different food to celebrate Hanukkah. We asked each other questions about each food and we answered the questions in Welsh. Dwi'n hoffi bathyn siocled! Dw ddim yn hoffi teisien tatws!

Knowledge & Understanding- Timeline of Light

We have been finding out about light in the past. We researched the internet to find out information about each light. We ordered the lights on a timeline and we labelled the lights on the computer. In groups, we answered a quiz about light in the past. Can you say which is the oldest light?

Farewell to the Ducklings!

We have really enjoyed watching the ducklings hatch and grow over the last couple of weeks. They have grown so big that it was time to say goodbye and they have gone back to live on the farm.

Knowledge & Understanding - Following Directions

We found clues and followed the directions. The clues lead us to some treasure! We found some chocolate gold coins to celebrate Hanukkah.

Foundation Phase Fun

We have been playing skittles and writing take away number sentences on the board. We made bracelets for our friends and painted pictures of our families.

Knowledge and Understanding - Investigating Light

Hanukkah is a festival of light. We have been finding out about light and dark. We know that we need light to be able to see. We used sources of light to find objects in the dark den. We investigated what we could see when there was no light, a little light and lots of light when we looked inside the black boxes.

Creative Development and Language, Literacy and Communication

We have been celebrating Hanukkah and we made a traditional dish to celebrate. Afterwards, we told Rowland Rat how to make latkes. We wrote a set of instructions for Rowland to follow. We told Rowland lots of bossy verbs to help him follow the instructions.

Language, Literacy and Communication

We've been spelling sh and ch words. We made lists of sh and ch words with our talking partners and we made words using letter cards. We also used our ICT and communication skills by reading clues and directing bee bot to the correct sh or ch word on the mat. Can you think of a sh or ch word?

Friday, 4 December 2009

Knowledge and Understanding of the World- A Victorian Christmas

The children have been busy decorating our Victorian Christmas room. We made traditional decorations for the tree and we have been dressing up as Victorians. It has been great fun in our role play area. Can you say how the Victorians lit their homes?